Sea Buckthorn: A Phytonutrient Superstar

Sea Buckthorn is a spiny shrub/tree with bright red, orange or yellow berries native to Europe and the northern regions of Asia. The orange color of my berries is an indicator of the level of phytonutrients in the oil. Phytonutrients are extremely effective anti-oxidants and great for the skin.
These berries are said to be the single highest vegetal source of Vitamin C (over 10 times more than oranges), while also containing over 20 minerals and 60 antioxidants, 3 times more Vitamin A than Carrots and a high level of Vitamin E as well. Additionally, Sea Buckthorn also contains fatty acids and Omegas 3, 6, 9 and even 7 (found in the fruit) making it amazing to aid in skin regeneration and repair, soothing inflammation while reducing redness. To top if off, Sea Buckthorn oil was tested and shown to have 2.4 times more carotenoids than other oils. Carotenoids are powerful anti-oxidants, that can help combat bacteria and skin disorders when applied topically.
What does all this mean?
It means that there is a whole bunch of goodness packed into these little orangish berries. Thanks to all those vitamins and minerals, Sea Buckthorn can benefit overall health of the skin and has been studied to show reduction in sun damage, relief from sun burns, and healing wounds. It's used in formulations that help reduce acne, eczema, psoriasis, dry skin and even stretch marks. We utilize certified organic Sea Buckthorn Fruit oil in our Eczema Balm and Ouchie Salve for it’s many beneficial properties and remarkable results and continue to test in new creations coming soon.
We love Sea Buckthorn Oil for it’s rich color and all it’s amazing benefits for the skin. Give it a try in one of our formulations!
Be well!